Mayville Community Centre

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The Mayville Community Centre project involves the complete passivhaus refurbishment of an existing community centre near Newington Green by bere:architects. The building, originally built in the 19th century to house a tram power generator, was converted for community use in 1978. The previous use and condition of the existing building means that annual energy demands provided a large financial burden for the centre. A full Passivhaus refurbishment included 300mm external insulation and render to the brick walls, 300mm insulation and wildflower meadows to the two flat roofs, 400mm insulation to the new pitched roof, triple glazed doors, windows and roof lights, 18kW/p photovoltaic panels, 4sqm solar collector, heat recovery ventilat...
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Mayville Community Centre : Project images

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CO2 emissionsPrimary energy requirement
Energy target

Energy and fuel use

Fuel use by type
Primary energy requirement
CO2 emissions

Measured data from renewable generation is not yet available.

Fuel use

Electricity use - 20819 kWh/yr -
Natural gas use- 15334 kWh/yr -
Oil use- - -
LPG use- - -
Wood use- - -
Other Fuel - - -
Primary energy requirement - 105 kWh/m².yr -
Annual CO₂ emissions - 23 kg CO₂/m².yr -
Annual space heat demand - 13 kWh/m².yr -

Renewable energy

Electricity generationForecastMeasured
Renewables Technology--
Other Renewables Tech--
Electricity consumed by generation --
Primary energy requirement
offset by renewable generation
105 kWh/m².yr -
Annual CO₂ emissions
offset by renewable generation
23 kg CO₂/m².yr -

Calculation and targets

Whole house energy calculation method
Other whole house calculation method-
Energy target PassivHaus
Other energy targets-
Forecast heating load 8.6 W/m² demand


Pre-development air permeability test--
Final air permeability test--

Project description

Start date17 May 2010
Occupation date30 June 2011
Location London London  England
Build typeRefurbishment
Building sectorPublic
Property typeDetached
Construction typeSolid Brick
Other construction type600mm external walls
Party wall construction
Floor area 665
Floor area calculation method Treated Floor Area (PHPP)
Building certification  Passivhaus certified building Passivhaus certified building

Project Team

Project lead personbere:architects
Landlord or ClientMildmay Community Centre
Mechanical & electrical consultant Alan Clarke
Energy consultantAlan Clarke
Structural engineerConnisbee
Quantity surveyorRichard Whidborne
ConsultantGIA Equation
ContractorBuxton Building Contractors Ltd.

Design strategies

Planned occupancyVaries 25 -150 people
Space heating strategyWall mounted radiators in the rooms and corridors, heated via the ground source heat pump.
Water heating strategySolar hot water, 55% of the water will be heated by solar thermal collectors and the remaining 45% will be heated by a gas condensing boiler.
Fuel strategyMains gas.
Renewable energy strategySolar hot water and solar electricity (PV is planned to generate 9,500 kWh per year).
Passive Solar strategyThe window proportions are optimised using PHPP, maximising passive solar energy.
Space cooling strategyA high level of thermal mass in the concrete floor and the brickwork walls as well as cross ventilation avoid overheating in the summer. Night cooling benefits from openable roof lights which have been optimised using dynamic modelling.
Daylighting strategyAll working and living rooms have been positioned to benefit from natural light. Window openings have been designed according to the occupation requirements.
Ventilation strategyMechanical heat recovery ventilation (winter) Natural ventilation with extract only ventilation in the bathrooms (summer).
Airtightness strategy A parge coat on the exterior of the wall seals the brickwork and provides the airtightness.
Strategy for minimising thermal bridges Thermal bridge-free construction throughout and all junctions are analysed using Heat2, a static thermal modelling programme.
Modelling strategy
Insulation strategy
Other relevant retrofit strategies
Contextual information

Building services

Space heating
Hot water
Renewable energy generation system
Strategy for minimising thermal bridges

Building construction

Volume -
Thermal fabric area -
Roof description
Roof U-value -
Walls description
Walls U-value -
Party walls description
Party walls U-value -
Floor description
Floor U-value -
Glazed doors description
Glazed doors U-value - -
Opaque doors description
Opaque doors U-value - -
Windows description
Windows U-value - -
Windows energy transmittance (G-value) -
Windows light transmittance -
Rooflights description
Rooflights light transmittance -
Rooflights U-value -